About enquete-art (Questionare Art)
This is a method of collecting opinions on various issues through questionnaires and converting them into music. It is a compositional method based on the structure of the text, where the text is broken down into parts of speech, the pitch is determined according to the type of part of speech, and the length of the word is used as the length of the note to create a melody. By decomposing the text of the survey responses and abstracting it into music using only the structure of the text and not the meaning of the words, and by presenting the text and its music, the responses can be emphasized and the differences in individual opinions can be made more apparent. I think this is the kind of music we need to rethink modern society, made possible by the use of people’s opinions.
Please fill out the questionnaire.
Please fill out the questionnaire!
Video introduction to enquete-art
Let’s watch “young person’s guide to the enquete-art”
Performance works
Works for concerts.
Double Duo (2008)
Abraham Variations for Soprano and Computers (2009)
Six Melodies for Violin and Keyboard (2009)
Video works
Works for video installations and screenings.
アンケート・アートの学生運動 Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4
アンケート・アートの徴兵制度 Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4
アンケート・アートの環境問題 Part3
アンケート・アートの芸術論 Part3 Part4 Part5
Related works
It is a work that applies the compositional method of enquete-art.
twitter music
Composition in Retrospect for Toy Piano
You’ve Got Mail for Clarinet and Piano
Two Voices Counterpoint
2006年 第7回スパイラルインディペンデントクリエーターズフェスティバル審査員賞南條史生賞受賞
2006年 第1回AACサウンドパフォーマンス道場入選
2007年 BankART Cafe Live賞
2008年 eco japan cup 2008 アート部門 準グランプリ
2008年 武満徹作曲賞第1位(審査員 スティーブ・ライヒ)
2009年 芥川作曲賞ノミネート