An Enquete Art (Questionnaire Art) installation.

About the Conscription System At the 19th Ikebukuro Montparnasse Wandering Museum “Art x Exploration: Phantom Thief Nyanpo – The Mystery of the Paw,” we are exhibiting a music installation piece. For details about the exhibition, click “here.” The theme of the questionnaire is the conscription system. It is a questionnaire we have been collecting since […]

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Work Involved
Projection mapping technical cooperation

Since the space was only used for weekend screenings and a projector could not be permanently installed, the projector was set up every day, cables were run, and screens were placed for preparation. At first it took 90 minutes to prepare, but by the last day we were able to complete the project in 40 […]

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Work Involved
I directed the venue for the Game Course Exhibition at the Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduate School of Film and New Media, Game Course.

Until March 2023, I was an assistant professor in the Game Course, and I had been directing the Game Course Exhibition every time, so I continued to direct the Game Course Exhibition even after my resignation. As the exhibition was focused on game displays, to ensure visitors could play the games as much as possible, […]

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Questionnaire on environmental problems

You can enjoy the works of Questionnaire Art on the web. When you respond to the survey at the bottom of the screen, your responses are reflected in the performance in real-time.

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Questionnaire on student movement

You can enjoy the works of Questionnaire Art on the web. When you respond to the survey at the bottom of the screen, your responses are reflected in the performance in real-time.

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Questionnaire on conscription

You can enjoy the works of Questionnaire Art on the web. When you respond to the survey at the bottom of the screen, your responses are reflected in the performance in real-time.

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“People and State” Distribution of apps for Oculus Quest

「国民と国家」についてのアンケートを元に生成された音楽と回答の文章を、Oculus Questでミャンマーの鉄道に乗りながら鑑賞するインタラクティブ音楽作品 An interactive music piece in which you can watch music and texts generated based on a questionnaire about “People and State” while riding a train in Myanmar in Oculus Quest. Click here for game apps @itch Click here for game apps @SideQuest People and State play video アンケートは日英両言語対応のオンラインフォームで全世界から収集でき、回答はリアルタイムで作品に反映されます。列車内にいる乗客のシルエットへ視線を向けると回答の演奏が始まります。 online form available in both […]

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